In-Store Reputation platform for Car Dealers

Car Dealers embrace In-Store Reputation Management Platform developed by Automotive Advertising Network, that was unveiled at the recent 2012 NADA and 2012 DMSC conferences.

The Automotive Advertising Network is the industry’s first content syndication and search engine optimized network designed to promote car dealers’ inventories on national, regional, local and specialty sites. Now AAN members have the ability to capture reviews while customers are still in the store finishing up the buying the process.

The in-Store review platform along with the syndication services for inventory and content is considered to have a heavy influence on Automotive ZMOT.

The AAN helps dealers dominate ZMOT by owning multiple AAN created web assets and syndicating consumer reviews so that no matter where the consumer looks, an AAN client is always top of mind and top of results pages.

About the Automotive Advertising Network

The AAN is the industry’s first optimized, dealer-centric network with no third-party ads, designed to promote car dealers’ inventories on national, regional, local and specialty sites.

AAN is a comprehensive digital marketing and branding platform that utilizes proven practices in Search Engine Optimization (Automotive SEO), inventory advertising, social media and content publishing to advertise and sell dealer inventory.

Using these proven SEO strategies, the AAN helps dealers establish high quality, exclusive leads for less money, translating into higher closing ratios and lower costs for the dealers.  Plus, unlike traditional third party lead collectors, the dealer’s own inventory-listing pages are free of competing ads.

The AAN has changed the playing field for dealers who have typically had to compete with national third- party lead providers who have long had an advantage on the search engines because of their national footprint and corresponding search authority.

For more information on becoming a member visit our website at or give us a call at 732-450-8222


Google Page One Assets for Automotive Dealers

Dealers who have competition and lead grabbers appearing on Google’s page one results for their name need to fight back. Its important for dealers make sure and have an excellent strategy for counter the page one situation.

As part of Automotive Advertising Strategy can signup for Automotive Advertising Network membership and can get help.

As a recent example of how it works, Infiniti of Mission Viejo needed more dedicated assets on page one for their name. AAN created a subdomain on their name off the national site Then high ranking AAN network assets are used to build valuable and authoritative content and links back to the newly created automotive microsite. Google bot immediately recognized the new site, off-site SEO content and backlinks and positioned the dealer microsite on page one for their name.

Below, you can see the power of AAN and how dealers can leverage the AAN membership.

If you are looking for a Page one strategy you can contact us and we will demonstrate how the network can help you achieve you organic SEO goals using your inventory, SEO content and the power of AAN.

Google Related Searches for Automotive Dealers

Recently while searching for a laptop to buy, I already knew what I wanted to buy. It’s an HP Core I7 that was on sale in Staples. The zero moment of truth is I already decided not only what to buy but also where to buy.

Then I decided to test out Google and see if Google can give me the best deal in a reputed store for the laptop I am interested in for a better price. I typed “laptop” in Google. I noticed something very new showing up. Since Google wants to show the best results for my query, gave me options of highly optimized and ranking sites in my area to buy a laptop on page one. Staples is not one of them.

Then I noticed a new thing showing up at the top of the results and just below the paid listings. Google is now showing options to filter results based on the broad product search term I used.

What Google is actually trying to do is providing me with options to refine my search. A click on any of these options are automatically added to the search box and results are displayed for the new focused search.

Since many of my clients are auto dealers and have created numerous Automotive Microsites for dealers, I tried a few more searches for Toyota, Cars, Honda, and the results seem to be normal like old days. But when I searched for Tires, or brakes the related search option showed up.

As interesting as this seems, it appears Google started providing this option mostly for products, and is not being shown on actual OEM brand searches yet. But my gut feeling is very soon we start seeing Stores, Models, and even service centers for the keywords like “Toyota”

Impact on Dealer SEO strategies

Needless to say this will have a huge impact on organic SEO strategies for car dealers. My speculation is that Automotive Dealers who invest on the best Automotive SEO strategy now will benefit when Google opens this for other Automotive Search Terms.

The trick seems to be on page one for these important keywords and right now the greater impact is on Fixed Ops Microsites related searches. Search for Tires or Brakes and you will see what I am writing about.

Members of Automotive Advertising Network have a unique opportunity that helps dealers achieve this faster with the network of sites. Dealers who understand the game changing rules of Google Optimization will be able to add custom links for these major keywords, that will help their link target rank higher and eventually when Google provides Related Searches for these terms your dealership will show up.


2011 Dealer Marketing Strategies Conference

The 2011 Digital Marketing Strategies Conference in Napa features industry leaders and top educators to assist dealers with creating and implementing a strong digital marketing program for this upcoming year.

The event is scheduled just prior to NADA so come out a few days early and participate in the powerful education format.

Speakers and workshop leaders include: Alex Snyder, Matt Murray, Gary May, Sean Wolfington, JD Rucker, Scott Falcone, Glenn Pasch, Christine Rochelle, AJ LeBlanc, Sean Stapleton, Robert Avery, and some surprise guests.

On Friday February 4th the attendees will be driven back to San Francisco to register for NADA. You won’t miss a beat with this powerful combination in 2011.

Signup for the conference at

Conference Details:


Contact Automotive SEO company for more details or help on signup. Ananth Godavari of IntelliFusion Technologies will be available during the conference for any custom software programming services and SEO Automated Dealer Websites.


Add Squidoo RSS feed on

Automotive Car dealers can use to list their dealership profile and get additional links to their other sites. Adding a profile page on cardealerwiki will also help them in their POD score and Google Page one Management.

Car Dealer Wiki pages can also handle RSS feeds from external sources. By Adding Feeds to these pages will not only help in fast and easy content but also provides valuable link juice.

Dealers who use Squidoo users and are interested in publishing their Squidoo Lens in wiki can do it by simply using the RSS feed Squidoo provides.

The Squidoo RSS feed URL will look something like, just replace the squidoousername with your own id and you have your Squidoo RSS feed.

The RSS feed for Automotive SEO Guru, Brian Pasch is

Once we have the Squidoo RSS feed its an easy step to put the feed in CarDealerWiki.

Go to Edit mode of the page where you want to add the Squidoo feed and use the following syntax to add Squidoo Feed.

<feed url=”” entries=15>
== [{PERMALINK} {TITLE} ] ==

In the above piece of code just replace the URL to your Squidoo RSS feed URL.

For more ideas, tips and tricks on Automotive SEO, check out our sites.

Automotive SEO with New and Improved Twitter

Twitter announced significant changes to its website that I believe will help automotive dealers in Organic SEO and Google Page One Management.

By expanding twitter into multi-media social platform from being a mere text-messaging website, automotive dealers will be able to add videos and photos that can be optimized for Google Page One Management and footprint.

These new features are expected to roll out around the world in the next few days.

This is a major step for automotive dealers who use twitter, since dealers can now optimize their twitter accounts to keep consumers longer with more relevant information regarding the dealership and the cars that they sell, as well as with fixed ops marketing coupons and Ads.

The new website will feature two panes. The one on the left will feature the posts, or “tweets,” from the people and businesses that users elect to follow. The right side will be devoted to pictures, video and other information contained within the tweets so users won’t have to navigate from their home pages.

Automotive dealers can now be able to add advertisement videos for car sales and coupons for services and parts and also be able to deep link their main automotive sites.


Organic Automotive SEO vs. PPC

Dealers who are short on Automotive SEO expertise or tools to effectively compete with large marketing companies should know that for a small monthly fee they can leverage Automotive Advertising Network  to gain national, regional and local search authority using their greatest asset, Inventory.

Car dealers would not be able measure a successful SEO campaign for a short period of time. In fact a good window to see the results would be about 12 months, many SEO projects have closed before they even had a chance to develop search authority.

Automotive dealers who are ignoring Organic SEO and investing hundreds of thousands of dollars on PPC campaign should read Automotive SEO Has Zero ROI So Stick With PPC by SEO Guru Brian Pasch.